
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Mexican proverbs or "refranes"

"Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente" "Shrimp that sleeps is carried by the tide"

"Más vale pájaro en mano, que ciento volando" "Better it is one bird at hand, than a hundred at fly"

“Más sabe el Diablo por viejo, que por diablo” “The Devils knows more because it is old, than because it is devil”

“El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo” o “el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al pollo”

“Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda” Who wakes up early gets the God's help.

“No por tanto madrugar, se amanece más temprano” Even waking up early doesn't hurry the dawn.

“Nadie asienta en cabeza ajena” o “nadie experimenta en cabeza ajena” o "Nadie escarmienta en cabeza ajena" No one learns about the other's experiencies, until lived

“El que se fue a la Villa, perdió su silla” Who leaves his sit empty, will loose it.

"Matrimonio y mortaja, del cielo bajan" Marriage and shroud will come by their own.

"El muerto y el arrimado a los tres días apesta" Corpses and annoying guests stink by the third day.

"Donde el rio suena, es que agua lleva" If the river sounds, it's because it haves water.

"Si la barba de tu vecino ves cortar, pon la tuya a remojar" If your neighbor shaves, start wetting your beard.

"Al mal paso, darle prisa" If the hope is lost, it's better to hurry.

"Nadie tropieza dos veces con la misma piedra" No one trips with the same stone twice.

"No todo lo que brilla es oro" Not all shining stuff is gold.

"El miedo no anda en burro" The fear doesn't travel with donkeys.

"La mula no era arisca, la hicieron" The mule didn't born dull, the world forced her.

"El indio no tiene la culpa, sino el que lo hace compadre" It's not the indian's fault, it's his compadre's fault.

"Ni tanto que queme al santo, ni tan poco que no lo alumbre"

"Donde hubo fuego cenizas quedan" There are remaining ashes after the fire.

"Las piedras rodando se encuentran" The stones keep on rolling

Last updated: 10-26-2005 03:52:15