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Roman Scandals

Roman Scandals

Roman Scandals is a 1933 film starring Eddie Cantor, Ruth Etting, and Gloria Stuart. Produced by Sam Goldwyn, this lavish musical tells the story of Eddie (Eddie Cantor), a small-town boy who believes himself to be somewhat of an authority on ancient history. He falls asleep after being thrown out of his corrupt home town, West Rome, and being hit on the head.

In his dream, he finds himself sold as a slave and soon becomes involved in palace intrigue involving the corrupt Emperor Valerius, who is every bit as crooked as the politicians in his hometown. After a series of adventures, which include avoiding being poisoned by the Emperor's wife (Eddie is the Emperor's food-taster), wooing the captured Princess Sylvia (Gloria Stuart), a stint in a torture chamber, an escape in a chariot, and a number of intricate production numbers choreographed by Busby Berkeley, Eddie awakens to discover that he "has the goods" on the crooked politicians in his town.

In addition to the big stars in the picture, the elaborate dance numbers include the "Goldwyn Girls", Busby Berkeley's starlets that (in this film) included Lucille Ball and Paulette Goddard.

The film was released on VHS in 2000 (ASIN: 0792844785).

Last updated: 05-27-2005 22:42:29
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