
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary







(Redirected from Relax)

There is also an album by Blur called Leisure.

Leisure time is time not spent on compulsory activities, like employment, education, running a business and household chores, or on regular sleeping. The distinction is not strict, since necessity can be larger or smaller, and things may be done for pleasure as well as longer term usefulness.

This time can be spent on two main kinds of leisure:

  • Active leisure: active recreation, leisure sport (going to the gym, etc.; sport for fun rather than for competition). This type of leisure rarely leads to boredom.
  • Lounging, "doing nothing": the kind of "reclining-in-the-sun" type leisure, which implies going to sleep or a near-sleep lounging state. It could be called "wasting time". Lounging that is not enjoyable can lead to boredom. Some moral codes frown upon this type of leisure, while others celebrate it, as in the British magazine The Idler .

Sport fishing may fall in both categories, depending on how active one is.

Some types of leisure have recently been described as quality time.

See also: Leisure Thermal Comfort

External link

  • The Idler magazine
  • Workaholism and leisure in modern society

Last updated: 05-03-2005 17:50:55