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Pediatric ophthalmology

Pediatric ophthalmology and is a sub-speciality of ophthalmology concerned with diseases of the eyes in children. Alongside, Strabismus deals with motility problems in children and adult eyes.

In the USA, a 1-year Pediatric Ophthalmology fellowship in an institution accredited by the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus is requirement for the Boards.

In India, a training / fellowship in the Pediatric Ophthalmolgy at a higher institution is required before one can expertly deal with the eye problems in children.

Children present with varied problems in the eyes and the Pediatric Ophthalmologist diagnoses and treats their disorders. Commonly, children may have vision problems and will require glasses for various reasons. Amblyopia (aka Lazy Eye) may be caused by more than 3 diopters difference in the power of glasses for the two eyes (Anisometropic Amblyopia).

Also, motility problems are common in children and lead to Strabismus - more common types are Esotropia (inward turning of the eyes), Exotropia (outward turning of the eyes) and Hypertropia (Upward turn of one eye as compared to the other eye). All of these may lead to Strabismic Amblyopia where the eye is anatomically normal but the best corrected visual acuity is lower by two lines or more as compared to the better eye.

Congenital malformations are seen in children which may affect the vision, tear drainage duct system, orbit and any part of the eye, orbit, face and head.

Above information is not a substitute for an expert examination by a qualified Eye M.D. / Pediatric Ophthalmologist. You should immediately consult an eye doctor in case your child has any eye problems.

Last updated: 05-21-2005 19:08:25
Last updated: 05-13-2005 07:56:04