
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten

Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten is a municipality consisting of the larger village of Nuenen and two adjacent smaller ones. It is located in the province of Noord-Brabant, about 10 km east of Eindhoven, the 5th largest city in the Netherlands. From being a small farmers town of less than 1000 inhabitants around 1950 Nuenen grew steadily as ever more new employees of Philips and the Technical University in Eindhoven, TUE chose Nuenen as their new home.

Population centres

Eeneind, Gerwen, Nederwetten, Nuenen, Opwetten and Stad van Gerwen.


Vincent van Gogh spent two years in Nuenen from 1883-1885. His father lived and worked there as the protestant pastor in the largely catholic environment. Van Gogh lived in the small carriagehouse next to the beautiful pastors house, which is well preserved and visited by art lovers from all over the world. Van Gogh was extremely productive in his years in Nuenen. It is referred to as his so called dark or sombre period. Here he painted his famous painting The potato eaters as well as Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen (Het uitgaan van de hervormde kerk te Nuenen). The latter painting was stolen from the Van Gogh Museum in December 2002.

Edsger Dijkstra, Dutch computer scientist, died here on August 6, 2002.

External link

Official Website

Last updated: 06-04-2005 13:57:47
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