Heuristic approach to deriving models for gene finding
- John Besemer , Mark Borodovsky
- "Heuristic approach to deriving models for gene finding", Nucleic Acids Research, 27:3911-3920, (1999).
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Description: Importance:
Description: This book is based on the author two years of living near lake Walden. Thoreau summaries in the book his observations and offers information about the history of nature investigation. Thoreau offers a unique attitude to nature preservation.
Importance: Impact
Historie Naturelle
Description: Until the publication of this encyclopedia the scientific community thought that all animals were created together by God before about 6,000 years. Not only that this 44 volume encyclopedia contained all biological knowledge of its time, it offered different theory. 100 years before Darwin, Buffon claimed that man and ape might have a common ancestor. His work also had significant impact on ecology.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
On The Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type
Description: This publication suggested natural selection as the cause of evolution. Wallace was afraid to publish his work due to the church but he sent it to Charles Darwin and help him develop what is somewhat mistakenly called today Darwinism.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
Description: The Origin of Species is one of the hallmark works of biology. In it, Darwin details his theory that organisms gradually evolve through natural selection. It was first published on November 24, 1859 and immediately sold out its initial print run. Darwin presents a theory of evolution that is in most aspects identical to the theories now accepted by scientists. He carefully argues out this theory of evolution of species by natural selection by presenting all the accumulated scientific evidence from his voyage on the HMS Beagle in the 1830s.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
Description: This book discusses Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection
Importance: Impact
The Evolution of Individuality
Leo W. Buss
- 1987, The Evolution of Individuality, Princeton University Press.
Description: In his important book that examines the cell lineage as a unit of selection, Leo Buss addresses the evolutionary conflict between the cells that make up a metazoan and the metazoan individual itself. In elaborating this idea he presents numerous hypotheses regarding the evolution of animal development and life cycles, and then wraps it up by addressing hierarchical organization in biology. Though heavy on the theory and rather light on the evidence, for anyone interested in evo-devo or macroevolution this should be an essential read.
Importance: Breakthrough, Impact.
Description: Experiments on Plant Hybridization was the result after years spent studying genetic traits in pea plants. In his paper, Mendel compared seven discrete traits. Through experimentation, Mendel discovered that one inheritable trait would invariably be dominant to its recessive alternative. This model, later known as Mendelian inheritance or Mendelian genetics, provided an alternative to blending inheritance, which was the prevailing theory at the time.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
Molecular structure of Nucleic Acids
Description: The structure of the DNA molecule discovery.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
Forel, F.-A. 1892-1902. Le Léman, monegraphie limnologique. Editions Rouges & Cie, Lausanne, Translation D. A.
Inferring Phylogenies by Joseph Felsenstein. Sinauer Associates, 2003.
An excellent technical manual to guide any biologist wishing to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis.
Wilson, E. O. 1975. Sociobiology: The new synthesis. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Blaser E, Pylyshyn ZW, Holcombe AO. Tracking an object through feature space. Nature. 2000 Nov 9;408(6809):196-9.
Systema Naturae
Description: In this book Linnaeus partitioned animals into groups - the beginning of Taxonomy.
Importance: Topic creator, Breakthrough, Impact
The Natural History of Selborne
Description: In these letters, White published his observations on birds near his house.
Importance: Impact
Souvenirs entomologiques
Description: Fabre investigated insects, both in the anatomy level and the behavior level.
Importance: Impact
Description: Importance:
The History of Animals
Description: In this book, Aristotle investigated animals. Unfortunately, his investigation was careless in today's standards. For example, he claimed that males have more teeth than female. Only years after, science realized the importance of experiments in the scientific method.
Importance: Topic creator, Impact
Description: Encyclopedia of nature. It included many areas that are not considered to be part of nature sciences today - from geography, botany, zoology to painting. The encyclopedia was also novel with respect to its structure. It was to first book to use references, table of contents and tables of animals characteristics.
Importance: Impact
See also
Last updated: 10-11-2005 02:54:25