
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Kerry Jones

Kerry Jones has been the national executive-director for Sydney-based Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) since The Hon. Tony Abbott stepped down from that post in 1994. She was elected as a No Republic - ACM representative to the Australian Constitutional Convention. In October 2000 she failed to gain preselection as a Liberal party candidate for the Legislative Council of New South Wales.

Her critics claim that she is more interested in Britain's traditions than those of Australia. To support this claim they point to the fact that she is aware of the Union Jack's significance on the Australian Flag, but in a radio interview in 2000 she was unable to say how many stars featured in the Southern Cross.

Despite such criticisms she remains the Executive Director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy. During the 2004 Federal Election in Australia Jones, along with ACM National Convenor Professor David Flint, were the most vocal opponents of the Australian Labor Party's election promise to remove the Crown from Australian politics.

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Last updated: 08-25-2005 13:55:45