
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary







An isotonic cellular environment occurs when an equal solute concentration exists inside and outside the cell. Molecules flow in and out at an equal rate by osmosis, causing the cell size to stay the same. It will not lose or gain any solutes.

An isotonic solution has an equal amount of dissolved solute in it compared to the things around it. Typically in humans and most other mammals, the isotonic solution is 0.9 weight percent (0.009 g/ml) salt in aqueous solution, this is also know as saline, which is generally administered via an intra-venous drip. Is is a medium between hypotonic and hypertonic solutions.

See Also:

Other Meanings

In isotonic muscle exercise, the muscles remain under relatively constant tension, for example, in weightlifting.

Last updated: 05-13-2005 07:56:04