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Executive Officer Kane

Kane (ID# 825/G9-01K) was executive officer on the commercial towing vessel The Nostromo in the 1979 science fiction film Alien. He was played by British actor CBE John Hurt.

As executive officer, Kane was second in command to Captain Dallas. His duties included overseeing certain ship functions and activities.

Kane was one of the three crewmembers who went on the away expedition to the Derelict spacecraft on the planet Acheron. He discovered and descended into the egg chamber, where a "facehugger" attached itself to him. It paralysed him and put him into a coma, yet did not kill him.

When Kane was brought back to the ship by Dallas and Lambert, Ripley refused to let them back into the ship, citing basic quarantine procedures of twenty-four hours decontamination. As Dallas vehemently ordered that they be granted admittance to the ship, Ash opened the hatch for them.

In the infirmary, Kane was unconscious during all of the attempts to remove the facehugger from him. When it fell off and died a few hours later, he awoke, remembering nothing about the planet and the events which had recently transpired. He did, though, remember having "some horrible dream about smothering". He was also very hungry, so Dallas opted for one more meal before they all returned to hypersleep.

During their meal, (known to some as "The Last Supper" scene), occurred one of the film's most famous, terrifying and memorable moments. While everyone was eating, Kane suddenly began experiencing violent convulsions, writhing as though in an excrutiatingly painful seizure. After his last death throes, crewmembers were stunned when a small, larval-looking creature, called "the Chestburster", erupted suddenly and violently out of Kane's chest with a horrible noise and jets of blood. After exchanging stares (and shrieks) with the mortified crew, the creature quickly fled the galley, escaping to the deeper levels of the ship to begin its rapid maturation cycle.

Kane's body was shot out into the void of space to drift forever, after a short funeral for him; he was the first of six crewmember deaths (out of a total of seven) on the final voyage of the Nostromo.

Like the Nostromo itself, Kane and all other crewmembers' official whereabouts remained unknown for the next 57 years. He was missing and presumed dead from 2122 until 2179, when an off-course Narcissus escape ship returned Ripley and Jones the cat to civilization (and solved the riddle of the missing Nostromo, which had mysteriously vanished without a trace).

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