Online Encyclopedia
Evolutionary tree
The evolutionary tree of living things is currently supposed to run something along the lines of that listed below. Most of the tree was based on ideas from cladistics; where more than two groups are shown in a single branch, there is disagreement about how they diverged. Hypothetically taxonomy would follow the tree whenever possible, but in many places it does not at present.
The description as a "tree" results from earlier ideas of life as a progression from lower to higher forms. Although such views are discredited now, the imagery is too well established to be readily lost.
The terminology originates with Linnaean taxonomy: living things are classified as belonging to domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
- Domain Eubacteria
- Actinobacteria
- Aquificae
- Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group
- Chlamydiae/Verrucomicrobia group
- Chloroflexi
- Chrysiogenetes
- Cyanobacteria
- Deferribacteres
- Deinococcus-Thermus group
- Dictyoglomi
- Fibrobacteres /Acidobacteria group
- Firmicutes
- Fusobacteria
- Gemmatimonadetes
- Nitrospirae
- Planctomycetes
- Proteobacteria
- Spirochaete
- Thermodesulfobacteria
- Thermomicrobia
- Thermotogae
- unclassified Bacteria
- ...
- Domain Archaea
- Crenarchaeota (extremely thermophilic archaebacteria)
- Euryarchaeota
- Korarchaeota
- Nanoarchaeota
- Domain Eukaryota, organisms with cells containing a nucleus
- Kingdom Animalia - animals
- Choanoflagellates
- Nucleariids
- Kingdom Fungi - fungi
- Amoebozoa
- Rhizaria
- Retortamonad s
- Diplomonads
- Oxymonad s
- Parabasalids
- Jakobid s
- Heterolobosea
- Euglenozoa
- "Plants"
- Kingdom Plantae - green plants
- Red algae
- Glaucophytes
- Heterokonts
- Ciliates
- Apicomplexa
- Dinoflagellates
- Ellobiopsid s
- Stephanopogon
- Apusomonad s
- Kathablepharid s
- Pseudodendromonad s
- Spironemid s
- Copromyxid s
- Vampyrellids
- Dimorphids
- Gymnosphaerids
- Ebriid s
- Haptophytes
- Xenophyophorea
- Cryptomonads
- Centrohelids
- Domain Eubacteria
See Also
External links
- The Tree of Life A multi-authored, distributed Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity
More examples
- The most detailed and comprehensive family tree of dinosaurs yet available
- tree of life with lots of pictures
Last updated: 02-10-2005 13:11:50
Last updated: 03-18-2005 11:16:12