
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Dimitra Liani

Dimitra Liani is the widow of former Prime Minister of Greece Andreas Papandreou. Before meeting him, she worked as cabin staff of Olympic Airways. She became the mistress of Papandreou (who was more than three decades her senior) and a subject of controversy. Papandreou eventually divorced his wife and married Liani. Nevertheless, since Papandreou's death, her attempts to remain in the public light have failed with a few notable exceptions, mostly involving minor scandals. During a booksigning session of her book on Papandreou, Liani was slapped in the face by a lady who wished to express her disapproval. The stunt was recorded by a television crew and broadcast on national television. More recently, Liani conducted a televised interview of Muammar al-Qaddafi, a long-time friend of Papandreou.

Last updated: 10-09-2005 20:02:44
Last updated: 10-29-2005 02:13:46