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Danderyd Municipality

Djursholm Chapel
Djursholm Chapel

Danderyd is a Municipality in Stockholm County, in central Sweden. The municipality covers an area of 26.5 km². Of the total population of 29,884, 14,408 are male, and 15,476 are female (2004). The population density is 1,128 inhabitants per km². The municipality is divided further into four districts: Danderyd, Djursholm, Enebyberg and Stocksund.

Danderyd is divided between three conurbations (tätort):

Conurbation Population (2000)
Stockholm 24,600
Täby (Enebyberg) 4,701
Tranholmen 217

The population in Danderyd is among the most affluent in the country, having the highest average taxed income per capita. One of the reasons for this is the high price on real estate, which in turn is partially due to a restrictive policy on new developments by the municipality council. The high income of the population has enabled the municipality to maintain a relatively low rate of taxation, but lately Danderyd has suffered from a new government tax that takes money from the rich municipalities and gives it to the poor ones, and the rate of taxation has thus been forced up somewhat, much to the dismay of the inhabitants, who are often of the opinion that their economy is pressured enough by the large costs of owning a Danderyd house, which usually cost several million crowns.

See also

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