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Bulletman and Bulletgirl

Bulletman was a Fawcett Comics superhero created by Bill Parker in Nickel Comics May, 1940.

Jim Barr was the son of a police officer who was killed and as a result took it upon himself to fight crime. Like many characters of the time, he used chemistry to develop powers for himself; in his case greater muscle mass and brain power. He also invented a Gravity Regulator Helmet (which was bullet shaped and gave him his name), which allowed him to fly and deflect bullets.

Shortly after Bulletman began his crime-fighting career began he created a second helmet for his girlfriend and later wife Susan Kent, who adopted the name Bulletgirl.

Bulletman and Bulletgirl were most likely Fawcett Comics' second most popular characters after Captain Marvel. They were bought by DC Comics along with the rest of the Fawcett comics stable of characters in the 1970s.

Bulletman and Bulletgirl appeared in Alex Ross and Mark Waid's Kingdom Come published by DC Comics.

In 2005 a new Bulletgirl known as Bulleteer will be one of the 7 in Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers of Victory. It is appears she is not related to the Bulletman or Bulletgirl other than similar appearance and name.

Last updated: 05-29-2005 00:18:24
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