
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Romanian proverbs

  • "Ai carte, ai parte."
    • Translation: "Knowledge is power."
  • "Apa trece, pietrele rămân."
    • Translation: "The water is passing, the stones remain."
  • "Apără-mă de găini, că de câini nu mă tem."
    • Transliteration: "Defend me from chicken, I'm not afraid of dogs."
    • Notes: this refers to people: the chicken are the mean people, the treacherous friends, the dogs are the known enemies
  • "Aruncă bine în dreapta şi în stânga, şi la nevoie o să-l găseşti."
    • Translation: "Throw good to your left and right, and you'll find it when you'll need it."
  • "Ascultă cu urechile, vezi cu ochii dar taci cu gura."
    • Translation: "Listen with your ears, see with your eyes, but keep silent with your mouth."
  • "Banul este ochiul dracului"
    • Transliteration: "Money is the devil's eye."
    • Translation: "Money is the root of all evil."
  • "Câinele bătrân nu latră degeaba."
    • Translation: "The old dog doesn't bark without reason."
  • Câinele moare de drum lung, iar prostul, de grija altuia.
    • Translation: "A dog may die from too much walking, but a fool dies from worrying about someone else's business."
  • "Câinii latră, caravana trece."
    • Transliteration: "The dogs bark, the caravan goes by."
    • Translation: "Don't listen to every word you hear."
  • "Cine se scoală de dimineaţă departe ajunge."
    • Translation: "Early risers travel farther."
  • "Dacă doi spun că eşti beat, du-te şi te culcă."
    • Transliteration: "If two people say you're drunk, go to sleep."
    • Translation: "If more people say you're wrong, don't insist saying you're right."
  • Dai un ban dar stai in faţă!
    • Transliteration: "If you pay top dollar, you get a front row seat!"
  • "Dragostea e oarbă, dar căsătoria îi găseşte leacul."
    • Translation: "Love is blind, but marriage finds a cure."
  • "Drumul spre iad e pavat cu intenţii bune."
    • Transliteration: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
    • Translation: "People sometimes do all the wrong things for all the right reasons."
  • Fiecare pasăre pe limba ei piere.
    • Transliteration: "Every bird dies by its own tongue."
  • Iartă pe toată lumea, numai pe tine nu!
    • Transliteration: "Forgive everybody but yourself!"
  • Leneşul mai mult aleargă.
    • Transliteration: "The lazy man will work more in the end."
  • Mâţa blândă zgârie rău.
    • Transliteration: "Nice cats scratch the worst."
  • Nu da vrabia din mână pe cioara de pe gard.
    • Translation: "Don't trade the sparrow in your hand for the crow on the fence"
  • Nu iese fum fără foc.
    • Transliteration: "There's no smoke without fire."
  • Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poţi face azi.
    • Transliteration: "Don't postpone to tomorow what you can do today."
  • Nu măsura pe alţii cu palma ta.
    • Transliteration: "Don't measure others with your hand."
    • Translation: "Some people may have reasons unknown to you for doing certain things"
  • Nu poţi îndrepta lumea cu umărul.
    • Transliteration: "You can't straighten the world with your shoulder."
  • Nu te pune cu prostul, căci are mintea odihnită.
    • Transliteration: "Don't argue with a fool, because he has a rested mind."
  • Nu vinde pielea ursului din pădure.
    • Transliteration: "Don't sell the skin of the bear from the forest."
  • Obiceiul e a doua natură.
    • Transliteration: "Habit is the second nature."
  • Ochii care nu se văd se uită.
    • Transliteration: "The eyes who don't see each other forget each other."
    • Translation: "Out of sight, out of mind."
  • Omul sfinţeşte locul.
    • Transliteration: "The man makes the place holy."
    • Translation: "Let me look at your house and I'll tell you who you are."
  • Ori te poarta cum ţi-e vorba, ori vorbeşte cum ţi-e portul.
    • Transliteration: "Either act as you speak, or speak as you act."
    • Translation: "Don't be a hypocrite."
  • Prietenul la nevoie se arată.
    • Translation: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
  • Râde hârb de oală spartă.
    • Translation: "The pot calls the kettle black."
  • S-a dus bou şi s-a întors vacă.
    • Transliteration: "He went as an ox and returned as a cow."
    • Translation: "He didn't learn anything (referring to both learning from a teacher and finding out information)."
  • Sângele apă nu se face.
    • Transliteration: "Blood doesn't turn into water."
  • Totu-i bine cand se termină cu bine.
    • Transliteration: "All's well that ends well"
  • Un nebun aruncă o piatră în apă şi zece înţelepţi nu pot s-o scoată.
    • Transliteration: "A mad man throws a stone in the water, ten wise men can't get it out."
  • Un necaz nu vine niciodată singur.
    • Transliteration: "A problem never comes alone."
  • Vino necazule, dar vino singur!
    • Transliteration: "Come trouble, but come alone!"
Last updated: 10-26-2005 03:52:15