
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary







Archimedes of Syracuse (287 BC – 212 BC ) Greek mathematician , philosopher, scientist and engineer.


  • ευρηκα. (Eureka!)
    • Translations: " I have found it!" or "I have got it!"
    • Said to be what he exclaimed as he ran from his bath, realizing that by measuring the displacement of water an object produced, compared to its weight, he could measure its density (and thus determine the proportion of gold that was used in making a king's crown).
  • δoς μοι που στω και κινFailed to parse (PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert): \omega
την γην (Dos moi pou sto kai kino taen gaen)
    • Translations: "Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth." or "Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world."
    • Said to be his assertion in demonstrating the principle of the lever.
  • "Noli turbare circulos meos."
    • Translation: "Do not disturb my circles!"
    • Comment: Uttered to a Roman soldier who, despite being given orders not to, killed Archimedes at the conquest of Syracuse.
      • That soldier was executed for his act.

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Last updated: 10-26-2005 03:52:15