
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Viceroyalty of Brazil

(Redirected from Vice-kingdom of Brazil)

The Portuguese Viceroyalty of Brazil encompassed not even the majority of current Brazil. It was restricted to its current South, Center-West and Southeastern regions, mainly as a result of expansionism from the Capitania de São Vicente , the current state of São Paulo.

Even its driving force was the then tiny village of São Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga, its capital was made São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro as a result of the Emboabas' War and the consequent shift of economical power to the gold-producing Minas dos Matos Gerais: São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro was the port where the gold was sent to Portugal, and consequently the point of contact between metropolis and colony.

Last updated: 05-18-2005 14:08:06