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Red Electoral Alliance

(Redirected from Rød Valgallianse)

Rød Valgallianse or Red Electoral alliance is an alliance of left wing groups formed to promote revolutionary ideas in the Norwegian parliament.

While it once was an election front for the Worker's Communist Party (in Norwegian: Arbeidernes Kommunistparti), Rød Valgallianse is an independent party today. They have representatives in many town halls, and from 1993 to 1997, Erling Folkvord represented RV in Stortinget, the Norwegian parliament. Rød Ungdom (Red Youth) is their youth organization.

Their leader is Torstein Dahle , an economist at Bergen University College . He was reelected in march 2005.

External Link

Last updated: 05-07-2005 09:20:56
Last updated: 05-13-2005 07:56:04