
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary







A partial or full posthectomy is a form of circumcision which removes the foreskin of a male, or more specifically, the skin, mucosa, and muscle tissue covering the glans, including the ridged band. More generally, some forms of male circumcision can also include a frenectomy, in addition to a posthectomy.

In recent years, both terms have been superseded by the term 'circumcision' is most contexts. However, circumcision of males has traditionally been a less radical procedure in some ritual practices which have excised the tip of the prepuce. As an example, the brit milah practice was exposed to such historical changes toward a more radical posthectomy. But there is substantial variety in world cultures.

In the United States, most newborn males experience full posthectomy, often with a frenectomy as well. Historically, some adults also have undergone partial or full posthectomy for medical or religious reasons. In adulthood, the glans has already separated from the foreskin, and is not often damaged by this particular procedure.

See also

Last updated: 09-12-2005 02:39:13