
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Pickled dragon

A pickled dragon or, more precisely, what appeared to be the fetus of a winged reptile preserved in formaldehyde, was claimed by David Hart to have been found in his garage in Oxfordshire, England, in December 2003. It was later revealed that he and his friend Allistair Mitchell had perpetrated the hoax in order to promote a novel written by Mitchell.

The pair had told the press that the dragon was found with documents suggesting it had been offered to the Natural History Museum in the nineteenth century by German scientists. Mitchell suggested it was an attempt by the Germans to discredit their British colleagues, but the Natural History Museum rejected it, suspecting it was a hoax.

According to the story, David Hart's grandfather, a porter, saved the specimen from being destroyed; it had then been left in a crate in his garage by Hart's father and had remained there for twenty years before being "rediscovered".

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Last updated: 05-07-2005 11:48:47
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