The word matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly, matrixes) has several meanings. Generally speaking, a matrix is something that provides support or structure, especially in the sense of surrounding and/or shaping. It comes from the Latin word for "womb", which itself derived from the Latin word for "mother", which is mater, and was the term for a female animal used for breeding, or a parent plant. Various disciplines use the term "matrix" with differing meanings:
Names, acronyms and trademarks
Arts, literature and movies
- The movie, The Matrix.
- In Montreal, Canada, Matrix is a literary magazine.
- In William Gibson's The Sprawl novels and the role-playing game Shadowrun, the Matrix is the 3D next-generation internet.
- In the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, the Matrix is an advanced computer network and a virtual reality environment first featured in the 1976 serial The Deadly Assassin.
- In the animated series and comic the Transformers, the Matrix is an object of massive power typically held by the Autobot leader. See Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
- In the animated series Gargoyles, the Matrix is the name of the collective intelligence of a mass of nanotechnology that is so advanced that it gains an artificial intelligence and threatens a gray goo crisis until the former enemy, Dingo, partially joins with it to teach it about human society and thus keep it occupied constructively.
- In music, especially folk and popular music, a matrix is an element of variations which does not change. In the twelve tone technique a matrix is used to visualize all permutations of a tone row.
Last updated: 10-14-2005 10:25:11