
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






List of endangered languages

A list of endangered languages (with fewer than 1000 speakers or with very fast decline).

In order to judge if a language is actually endangered, the number of speakers is less important than the age distribution; there may be 500,000 speakers of the Breton language over 50 years of age, but fewer than 2,000 under 25 years of age - it is likely Breton will die out in the next half-century. On the other hand, while there are 30,000 Ladin speakers left, almost all children still learn it as their mothertongue, thus Ladin is not endangered in the 21st century.




  • indigenous languages of Canada:
    • Abenaki, 10 speakers
    • Beaver , 300 speakers
    • Cayuga , 360 speakers
    • Delaware (Munsee ), fewer than 10 speakers
    • Han , few speakers
    • Hare , 600 speakers
    • Michif, spoken by fewer than 1,000 people in western Canada
    • Onandaga , fewer than 100 speakers
    • Oneida, 200 speakers
    • Potawatomi , 100 speakers
    • Sarcee , 10 speakers
    • Seneca , 25 speakers
  • indigenous languages of the USA:
    • Catawba - Last fluent speaker died in 1996.
    • Coos - 1 or 2 speakers
    • Cowlitz - 1 or 2 speakers
    • Eyak - 1 speaker
    • Eastern Abnaki - 1 speaker
    • Kalapuya - 1 or 2 speakers in 1962
    • Klamth-Modoc - 1 speaker in 1998
    • Lipan Apache - 2 or 3 speakers
    • Menominee - 65 first or second language speakers (1997)
    • Serrano - 1 speaker
    • Tagish - 2 speakers
    • Upper Chehalis - 2 speakers
    • Wappo - 1 speaker
  • indigenous languages of South America
    • Ofayé - around 15 speakers, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Central Brazil




See also

External link

Last updated: 08-17-2005 22:22:30