
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Hej Sloveni

Hej, Sloveni (in Serbian) or Hej, Slaveni (in Croatian) or Hej, Slovani (in Slovenian), meaning "Hey, Slavs", has been the national anthem of Yugoslavia between 1945 and ca. 1992 when versions of lyrics in Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian and Macedonian were used.

It was used as the anthem of Serbia and Montenegro until the second half of 2004, with lyrics in Serbian.



The song dates back to the mid-19th century, when it was composed as an anthem for the Slavonic movement. It has the same basic melody as Mazurek Dąbrowskiego by Michal Kleofas Oginski, the national anthem of Poland. The original lyrics were written by the Slovak Samuel Tomašik around 1839, and the song became popular among the Slovak people.

Between World War I and World War II, the anthem of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929) consisted of a combination of Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian traditional anthems, starting with a few measures from the Serbian anthem Bože pravde, continuing with a few lines from the Croatian anthem Lijepa naša, followed by a few bars from a former anthem of Slovenia Naprej zastava slave and winding up with some lines from the Serbian anthem again. After the liberation in 1945, the new federation adopted the song "Hej Sloveni".

Even though the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ceased to exist around 1991 when only Serbia and Montenegro remained in the federation, "Hej Sloveni" remained the state anthem of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and is set to be replaced as soon as Serbia and Montenegro agree on a common anthem acceptable to both.

Should the referendum cause for the union to remain in place, a combination of the two countries' anthems, is not unlikely to take shape as the new anthem, similar to what was done before Communism. The songs are "Bože pravde" for Serbia, and "Oj, svijetla majska zoro" for Montenegro.



Хеј Словени, јоште живи
Дух наших дедова
Док за народ срце бије
Њихових синова.

Живи, живи дух словенски
Живеће веков'ма
Залуд прети понор пакла,
Залуд ватра грома.

Нек' се сада и над нама
Буром све разнесе
Стена пуца, дуб се лама,
Земља нек' се тресе.

Ми стојимо постојано
Кано клисурине,
Проклет био издајица
Своје домовине!


Hej Slaveni, još 'te živi
Riječ naših djedova
Dok za narod srce bije
Njihovih sinova

Živi, živi duh slavenski
Živjet ćeš vjekov'ma
Zalud prijeti ponor pakla
Zalud vatra groma

Nek se sada i nad nama
Burom sve raznese
Stijena puca, dub se lama
Zemlja nek se trese

Mi stojimo postojano
Kano klisurine
Proklet bio izdajica
Svoje domovine!


Hej Slovani, naša reč
slovanska živo klije
dokler naše verno srce
za naš narod bije

Živi, živi, duh slovanski,
bodi živ na veke,
grom in peklo, prazne vaše
proti nam so steke

Naj tedaj nad nami
strašna burja se le znese,
skala poka, dob se lomi,
zemlja naj se strese

Bratje, mi stojimo trdno
kakor zidi grada,
črna zemlja naj pogrezne
tega, kdor odpada!

English (literal translation)

O, Slavs, there still lives
Word of our grandfathers
While for the people heart strikes
Of their sons

Live, live, spirit Slavic
You will live for centuries
Futile is the Hell's abyss
Futile is the fire of thunder

Even if now there above us
Storm shatters everything
Stone breaks, tree shatters
Earth quakes

We stand steadily
As river gorges
Damned be the traitor
Of his homeland!

External links

Last updated: 05-23-2005 00:56:31