
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary




Quotes is a website that used polls taken in individual American individual states in the leadup to the American 2004 Presidential election in order to predict the winner of that election. The site was updated daily to reflect new polls. Since electoral votes determine who becomes President of the United States, rather than raw popular votes, the site attracted significant attention, and attracted hundreds of thousands of daily visitors as the 2004 American Presidential Election approached.

The aggregate results were somewhat subjective because multiple polls would come out on some days with contradictory results, but only one poll was chosen. The site consisted of a map of the United States with the individual states colored varying degrees of red or blue, based on which candidate polls were showing that state as supporting. For instance, Illinois, a state that went strongly for Democrat John Kerry was colored dark blue, whereas Michigan where Kerry won by a small margin was colored light blue.

The site's final tracking posted on Election Day, November 2 gave 262 electoral votes to John Kerry and 261 to George W. Bush, with 15 tossup. On the page giving projections of the actual results, Bush obtained 256, Kerry 238, and there were 44 tossup. Because of the site's popularity and a possible DDOS attack, it was largely unavailable on election day as the site attempted to track the actual results. In the actual election, Bush won 286 electoral votes to Kerry's 251.

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