
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary







ECMAScript, in simple terms, is the greatest common subset of JavaScript and JScript. It is a scripting programming language created to capture the common core language elements of both languages. The Language Specification is published by the ECMA International. Development of the standard began in 1996. It has now been accepted as ISO standard 16262.

The standard is now the fourth edition, known as E4X (ECMAScript for XML), which standardizes the syntax and semantics of a general-purpose , cross-platform, vendor-neutral set of programming language extensions adding native XML support in ECMAScript.

Dialects of ECMAScript

ECMAScript is supported in many applications, especially web browsers. The binding with DOM is added for manipulating the document.

Application Dialect Latest dialect version Corresponding ECMAScript revision
Mozilla and its derivatives JavaScript 1.5 ECMA-262, revision 3 1
Internet Explorer JScript 5.6 ECMA-262, revision 3
Opera ECMAScript, with extensions to both JavaScript and JScript ? ECMA-262, revision 3
Konqueror and its derivatives JavaScript ? ECMA-262
Microsoft .NET JScript .NET ? ECMA-357, revision 4
Macromedia Flash ActionScript 2 ECMA-357, revision 4
Adobe Acrobat JavaScript 1.5 ECMA-262, revision 3

Note (1): The latest beta version of Mozilla (1.8 Beta 1) has partial support of E4X [1].

The Mozilla implementations, (Spidermonkey in the C programming language and Rhino in the Java programming language), are used in several third-party programs, including Konfabulator and the Macintosh system-level scripting language JavaScript OSA .

External links

Last updated: 10-29-2005 02:13:46