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Der Blaue Engel

Der Blaue Engel is a 1930 film based on Heinrich Mann's novel Professor Unrat (1905). It was directed by Josef von Sternberg, and released in both German and English (as The Blue Angel).

In addition to being the first European talkie, Der Blaue Engel launched the career of Marlene Dietrich and introduced the popular song Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuss auf Liebe eingestellt ("From head to toe I am focused on love").

The film tells the story of Professor Emmanuel Rath (played by Emil Jannings), a college instructor who falls for the caberet singer Lola Lola (Dietrich) after visiting The Blue Angel nightclub. After convincing Lola to marry him, Rath leaves his position at the college to travel with Lola's caberet troop, eventually becoming a part of the act as he slides further and further down a slope of degradation.

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Last updated: 10-14-2005 22:59:19
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