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Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil

(Redirected from DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil)

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is a first-person shooter expansion pack for the 2004 video game, Doom 3. The game features three new weapons, such as the return of the double-barreled shotgun and support for up to eight people in multiplayer. Resurrection of Evil will also feature eleven new singleplayer levels, three new monsters, and four new multiplayer maps.


Set two years after the events of Doom 3, the UAC detects a strange signal from a Mars satellite, and sends a team in to investigate. Finding Hell's "Artifact" in the process, the forces of Hell attempt to retake the object from the player. The player plays a "combat engineer", and he is working for an unseen character from Doom 3: Dr. Elizabeth McNeil, the Doctor who was the whistleblower who sent Swann and Campbell at the beginning of Doom 3.

Initial reactions

Much like the parent game, Resurrection of Evil has already had some criticisms leveled at it. Since the player controls an Engineer, the developers have 'activated' a tool id used in developing the parent game. This 'weapon' picked up and moved certain items, similarly to the "Gravity Gun" from the competing game Half-Life 2. Some have commented that the move is simply adding a popular concept into the expansion in order to generate sales while most seem to agree that it does add a degree of fun to the game none-the-less. The developers have commented that the tool was in the game since before Half-Life 2, and was used to create "damaged" rooms in Doom 3 - instead of building a ruined room, they would build a pristine room and use the Gravity Gun to 'damage' it realistically.

External links

Last updated: 06-04-2005 08:56:19
Last updated: 10-29-2005 02:13:46