
The Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary






Captive bead


Captive bead (or, less commonly, captive ball) rings (CBRs) are pieces of body piercing jewelry, where a small bead is squeezed into an opening in a metal ring. The bead often has two small indentations where the endpoints of the ring fit. If the wearer wants to remove the ring, they do so by taking the bead out.

Because of their closed shape, these rings do not easily snag on clothing, hair or furniture, making them a popular choice for piercings which are still healing.

Like most body piercing jewelry, the CBRs are usually made out of surgical stainless steel, niobium, or titanium, whereas the bead can be made out of any of these or out of coloured glass, ceramic or some (semi-) precious stone.

Last updated: 02-09-2005 04:36:32
Last updated: 04-25-2005 03:06:01