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CPR summary

This is a summary of CPR procedure, intended as a reminder for those with previous CPR training. It is not intended as a "teach yourself CPR" guide. It does not include the full details of CPR - for more details on the content of this article, see the full article Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


1. Check for DANGER

- to yourself and to the casualty. Remove any hazards. Make sure that you do not put yourself in danger. If you are near a road, ensure that you are clearly visible to traffic.

2. Check for RESPONSE

- does the casualty respond to voice or painful stimulus?

If YES, check the casualty for other conditions and call for help if necessary.

If NO, shout for help now, and continue:

3. Open the AIRWAY

- tilt the head back and lift the chin. If necessary, remove any loose and obvious obstructions from the mouth.

4. Check for BREATHING

- is the casualty breathing?

If YES, place the casualty in the Recovery position and call for help.

If NO:

- Are you alone?
If NO, ask a helper to call an ambulance and go to step 5.
-Is the casualty unconscious due to injury, drowning, or choking, or is the casualty a child or infant?
If NO, call for an ambulance immediately, then go to step 5.
If YES, go to step 5. Carry out resuscitation for one minute then call for an ambulance.


Give two effective rescue breaths. After the two breaths, check wether the respiration has restarted.

If YES, place the casualty in the Recovery position and call for help. Monitor the patient and ensure he does not stop breathing again (Should this happen, go back to 5).

If NO:

6. Look for signs of CIRCULATION

- are there signs of circulation?

If NO, go to step 7.

If YES, continue rescue breaths: 10 breaths a minute for an adult or 20 breaths a minute for a child. Repeat step 6 after every set of breaths, checking signs of circulation after every minute. If they are absent, go to step 7.

7. Commence CPR

For an adult, alternate 15 chest compressions with 2 breaths.

For a child or infant, give five compressions to one breath.

Continue CPR until emergency help takes over; the casualty moves or takes a breath; or you are too exhausted to continue. If a defibrillator arrives on the scene, it will have priority on the CPR; follow the indications given by the handler of the defibrillator.

Last updated: 09-12-2005 02:39:13