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Adriano Correia de Oliveira

Adriano Correia de Oliveira, or only Adriano (April 9, 1942 - May 16, 1982) was born in Avintes (near Oporto), Portugal. Adriano was one of the most famous singers and composers of political interventive musics, like Zeca Afonso he fought against the Fascist Regime using his music and became famous between the anti-fascist resistance but also persecuted by the political police, PIDE for his subversive lyrics. Personal friend of many musicians like Zeca, Padre Fanhais , Sérgio Godinho or Luísa Basto , he had their help in the recording of many albums. Member of the Portuguese Communist Party he participated for several times in the 'Festa do Avante '. He was also a friend of the socialist Manuel Alegre, who wrote many of his lyrics. He died at the age of 40 due to a sudden disease. His work is still listened and used by those who want to remember the fascist oppression.

Last updated: 06-05-2005 23:41:44
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